
Below are recordings of our podcast: Prescribing and Interface Learning Sessions (PILS). This is a podcast brought to you by Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB, created to deliver the latest updates in a quick and easy to listen format. We hope you will find it useful. Please give us your feedback by commenting below each podcast or emailing the Interface Team on irina.varlan@nhs.net or nichola.butcher@nhs.net

1. PILS Episode 1 (January 2023):  Antimicrobials: UTIs, Anticoagulants in AF and about the APC

2. PILS Episode 2 (February 2023): Type 2 Diabetes Guideline Update

3. PILS Episode 3 (March 2023): Inclisiran, Antibiotics in Acne, Metformin, and the APC website

4. PILS Episode 4 (May 2023): Resources for Pain Management

5. PILS Episode 5 (May 2023): Amiodarone Medicine Safety Work

6. PILS Episode 6 (June 2023): Asthma Guidance in Children and Young People

7. PILS Episode 7 (October 2023): Medicines Management Facilitators (MMFs)

Since this podcast was recorded, we had agreement to reduce the number of MMF hours from 4 to 3 hours per week. This time can be used flexibly, for example 6 hours every fortnight, as long as the total time every four weeks adds up to 12 hours. (8th May 2024)

8. PILS Episode 8 (December 2023): Luforbec switch

9. PILS Episode 9 (April 2024): Biosimilar insulins

10. PILS Episode 10 (May 2024): SGLT2i in Chronic kidney disease

11. PILS Episode 11 (June 2024): Vitamin D update

12. PILS Episode 12 (July 2024): Pharmacogenomics

13. PILS Episode 13 (August 2024): Finerenone in CKD

14. PILS Episode 14 (September 2024): Cultural awareness

15. PILS Episode 15 (October 2024): Benzodiazepines and Z-Hypnotics Part 1

16. PILS Episode 15 (October 2024): Benzodiazepines and Z-Hypnotics Part 2

17. PILS Episode 16 (November 2024): Covert administration

18. PILS Episode 17 (December 2024): Inclisiran


Medicines Safety Group

For feedback and comments contact the MSO team via nnicb-nn.mso@nhs.net.

High Risk Medication series:

1. Lithium podcast - This first episode discusses lithium in a Q&A format with a special guest Patricia Mabeza, Lead Mental Health Pharmacist for NHS Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust. This has been produced in 13 bitesize clips to help healthcare professionals learn or refresh their knowledge around lithium and to improve patient safety.

Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS):

This is one of the Medicines Safety Group workstreams and this series of podcasts aims to support the judicious use of antibiotics to preserve their future effectiveness. 

1. Antimicrobials- recurrent UTIs - This first episode discusses recurrent urinary tract infections (rUTI) in a Q&A format having as a guest Dr Vivienne Weston, Consultant Microbiologist from Nottingham University Hospitals.

2. Antimicrobials - acne - This second episode is about the treatment of acne with Dr Claire Manktelow, GP at the University of Nottingham Health Service, as our guest speaker.